In light of the issuance of the Governor’s Executive Order No., we are now able to perform virtual closings. Our procedures are below; however, please be aware that each law firm may have slightly different procedures. We are following the directions of our underwriters, Old Republic National Title, who have agreed to insure these virtual transactions.

Before scheduling a virtual closing, please confirm with the lender that they will allow a virtual closing, this is very new and lenders are still in the processing of approving them.

Prior to the closing date, we will FedEx documents to the client. They should NOT be signed upon receipt. They must be signed during the scheduled closing time on a recorded video. We are overnighting the documents as most people do not have legal size paper at home and the documents will then be in the same order that the attorney has in front of them during the closing.

When a closing time has been scheduled, we will send you an email that will include an invitation to a Zoom meeting for the date and time chosen. This email will also include specific instructions on how to download the Zoom app. Agents and loan officers will also be welcome to attend the virtual closing while their clients are signing.

During the virtual closing, the borrower will be required to show an ID and to return a copy of it in a FedEx envelope that we will provide. Please note that borrowers MUST be physically located in the State of Georgia during the virtual closing and will be required to sign an affidavit confirming that they are.

When we receive the documents the next day, we will be able to physically notarize them using the date that they were signed. We will not be able to disburse funds until we have the original documents in our possession.

Please note the following:

FaceTime is not an acceptable medium for these closings. Zoom is being used because it keeps a recording of the closing, which can help to prevent any future claims of fraud.

While we are legally approved to close virtually, lenders must also approve this process. For those lenders not approving virtual closings, we still have our closing tables set up with plexiglass dividers between our attorneys and those who are signing. We are sanitizing between each closing and have new gloves and pens available for each closing as well.

We will continue to offer power of attorney options for clients; however, virtual notarization of a Power of Attorney was not approved. A seller mail away remains an option on the seller side.

Ohlson and Medlock is committed to ensuring that transactions continue as safely as possible and with minimum delays. All staff members are continuing to work, and as many as possible are doing so from home.

Please let us know how we can help!